Meet Priscilla!

The Queen of Cozy

A Snack Connoisseur

Always Keen for Adventure

Want to learn more?



Priscilla is looking for an adult only or adult and 16+ kids home due to her history of reactivity towards people.

Priscilla is looking for a home without other dogs or with easy going dogs, her size or larger. Her adopters should be prepared to proactively provide safe spaces for Priscilla to eat and chew away from other dogs.

Home who understands her need to express herself and work with her to find safe, comforting ways to do so.

Priscilla will only go to a home where force and fear free training methods are used. The use of corrections or punishment will result in an increase in her reactivity and create huge set backs.

It is important that Priscilla’s future adopters understand that we will work together for several weeks leading up to Priscilla moving into the new home. This will allow us to more fully prepare for a smooth transition and create continuity in Priscilla’s training and attachments.

Priscilla requires 1-2 hours of decompression or sniffy walks per day, and this time is essential to her continued progress in other areas of training. Everyday walks do not need to be particularly long or strenuous, but the time in nature (whether a beach, hike, school field or local park) to sniff, explore and do dog things is critical.

Home alone.

Priscilla is currently in 100 Mile House and can potentially travel to anywhere in BC.


Adoption Process.

Step One.

Read the profile here, sit with the information, read it again and share it with close friends and family members. Then fill out the application form linked below. Applicants who meet our initial requirements (no young kids, enough space, etc) will be contacted within a few days.

Step Two.

We book a get to know you call so I can learn more about you, and you can ask plenty of questions to get to know Priscilla.

Step Three.

We start planning the introduction and transition.

A combination of:

  • coaching calls, (where we can go over how to best set up your home for Priss - pens, baby gates, safe spaces, etc. and the training methods and exercises that will help everyone be successful),

  • online education around dog body language and force and fear free training methods,

  • in person coaching sessions,

  • visits in a neutral location and eventually to your home,

  • walks and trial sleepovers,

  • trial weekends.

Step Four.

Contract and (partially refundable) application fee. At any point in time you will have the option to return Priscilla to myself, no questions asked and receive a partial refund (only minus any necessary travel expenses).

Step Five.

Once Priscilla is integrated into your home we will continue with 3-4 coaching sessions (either virtual or in person depending on location) to continue our progress and address new concerns that have popped up.

Want more photos? Check out our Instagram.