General Policies

General Policies

Training Methods

Our training methods fall under the umbrella label of Force and Fear Free. We utilize positive reinforcement in all of our training plans, in addition to an emphasis on working at the dog’s pace, understanding canine body language, proactively managing the environment and proactively meeting our dog’s needs. I do not purposefully use punishment, pain, fear, deprivation or intimidation when training or caring for dogs. I highly encourage you to explore our website and Instagram page to become more familiar with our methods and values.

Payment and Rates

Payment in full is due prior to the commencement of any service, with the exception of pre-authorized payment plans. We accept E-transfer, cheque, cash or credit card (through Stripe).

Rates posted on our website and google are subject to change without notice, however existing clients will always be given 3 months advance notice of a change in rates.

Training Cancellations and Refunds

Classes, private sessions and other live events (either online or in person) are not refundable or transferable if the client cancels or is otherwise unable to attend for any reason. Online events are typically recorded and available for later viewing for participants.

Classes, private sessions and other live events (either online or in person) that are cancelled by the instructor due to illness, emergencies or unsafe conditions will be either refunded or rescheduled at the discretion of the instructor.

Refunds are otherwise not available, for any reason, except in the case where an instructor chooses to remove a participant from a program, in which case the value of the remaining classes/sessions will be returned to the participant. An instructor may choose to remove a participant for a lack of participation, failure to follow COVID or other safety protocols, or physical or verbal abuse towards an instructor, assistant, fellow participant or dog, or racist, misogynistic, LGBTQ+ phobic, or fatphobic words or actions.


We have several open channels of communication, including our email address, the form on this website, our phone number and our social media channels, as well as our Community page for current course participants.

Homework should be submitted through our course platform and important/sensitive communications should be sent directly to our email.

During the day I am often busy with daycare and boarding dogs. In the event of an emergency where you need to talk to me urgently, always call twice. When I am with the dogs I often don’t hear my phone ring or am actively letting calls go to voicemail.


Creating accessible content that it available to those who need and enjoy it is one of our core goals. This is an area where we are constantly learning and improving, and we welcome comments and suggestions detailing how we can make our content more accessible.

We currently provide close captions, transcripts, image and video descriptions on all of our paid course content and permanent social media posts. In addition we are continually working towards creating content and coaching clients in ways that are trauma informed and better suited to those who are neurodivergent.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We are on the journey of bringing more and more anti-racist principles and actions into our personal lives and our business.

We are grateful to anyone who brings attention to anything that we have done or said, currently or in the past that does not live up to these ideals. We are grateful for the opportunity to listen, learn, apologize, repair what damage we can and do better moving forwards.

Pet Care Service Policies

Dogs Eligible for Services

Our in person, group services (daycare, boarding, in person classes, etc.) create an ethical responsibility to only accept dogs who will be able to thrive in the environment we can provide. Dogs are assessed individually before they are fully admitted into a group care program.

Additionally dogs in our daycare program must be under 25lbs. There are no restrictions based solely on age, breed, or neuter status, however all of these factors will be considered together when determining if daycare or boarding are the right fit.

There are no single factors that eliminate a dog from eligibility in our training services, however we will assess each dog and their behaviour as an individual when making the decision to take on a new client or refer them to another service provider.

New Daycare or Boarding Client Process

In order for a client to be eligible to book services they must complete the following:

  • A get to know you call,

  • Registration forms for each individual pet, 

  • Applicable service contract(s),

  • Non-refundable service deposit,

  • Meet and greet and/or trial day,  

  • Watch the welcome video.

Protecting Private Client Information

Detailed client information is stored in our secure scheduling software Time to Pet. We do not store any credit card or payment information outside of Stripe. For more information please see our privacy policy linked at the bottom of the page.

Emergency Procedures

We are prepared for a wide range of emergencies, from lost or injured dogs, to natural disasters. Our emergency procedures document includes our step by step plan of action and is available for review by existing clients.

Our full Policies and Procedures document is much more detailed and available upon request.